
When I first heard the word "travelocity" I thought it was a clever combination of two existing words ("travel" + "velocity") that yielded a new and meaningful word. I wondered how difficult it would be to come up with more clever words like "travelocity". Invent-a-Word was born. The best portmanteau word I've come up with so far is cubicle + cleaner = cubicleaner.

Enter a word:
Number of letters to overlap:
Your word should be the:

Your creative words:
fishing + ingenious = fishingenious
fishing + ingeniously = fishingeniously
fishing + ingeniousness = fishingeniousness
fishing + ingenuity = fishingenuity
fishing + inglorious = fishinglorious
fishing + ingloriously = fishingloriously
fishing + ingloriousness = fishingloriousness
fishing + ingot = fishingot
fishing + ingrained = fishingrained
fishing + ingrainedly = fishingrainedly
fishing + ingrains = fishingrains
fishing + ingratitude = fishingratitude
fishing + ingredient = fishingredient
fishing + ingredient's = fishingredient's
fishing + ingredients = fishingredients
fishing + ingrown = fishingrown
fishing + ingrownness = fishingrownness
fishing + ingrowth = fishingrowth
fishing + ingrowths = fishingrowths